Cheap weed brings me to the west coast

When I decided to relocate to the West Coast because of cheap weed, I didn’t realize the cost of living was going to drain my budget.

  • I researched the online menus and prices for recreational marijuana and saw everything was half the price of the prices I was paying.

That settled my decision to move. Having a relative already living in San Francisco also made the transfer a little easier. My Aunt Rose said I could stay with her until I got on our feet. I assumed she meant a few months. Aunt Rose was ready for me to move out after a couple of days. All of a sudden, I was searching for cheap lodgings in San Francisco. I barely had a hundred dollars in my bank account. I read a few ads on craigslist. One of those ads was from a lady who needed someone to take care of her elederly grandpa during the day in exchange for free housing. The best part about the job is the location. I am just a few blocks away from a large cannabis dispensary. Even better, my new residence is in a really lovely neighborhood. I have access to a pool and a hot tub.My rooms are spacious and modern and I have a private entrance. I never could afford anything that nice in San Francisco. This job fell into my lap at the perfect time in my life. I think Aunt Rose is jealous when I mention my job and my accommodations.. She didn’t welcome me to live at her house, but that turned out better for me in the end.


Pot Delivery San Fransisco California