It was so cold in Spokane this year that we didn’t even have a spring season

I usually go out to Riverfront park in March with my dog when the temperatures start to warm up, but we couldn’t really do that this year.

My buddy and I are staying at his parent’s hunting cabin for the next year while we each finish online classes for our college degrees. They also wanted us to utilize whatever freetime we had available to paint the interior, shampoo the carpets, and landscape the yard outside. We’re from a climate that gets cold every winter and we were excited because this hunting cabin is located in Spokane, Washington, which often stays above 20 degrees year-round. You can enjoy snow and other winter weather without freezing to death at negative 20 degrees fahrenheit. However, despite the relative comfort of living in Spokane this winter compared to our home state, Spokane and many other places out west were hit by massive cold snaps from early spring into early summer. We saw most of the power grid going down in Texas through highlights on the evening news. Fortunately, our energy grid in Spokane is weatherized and prepared for cold temperatures of that magnitude. However, winter for us didn’t this year until summer began. I usually go out to Riverfront park in March with my dog when the temperatures start to warm up, but we couldn’t really do that this year. It was below 40 degrees out most days until the first week of July when temperatures shot up to 80 degrees one day. We were using our furnace one week and our air conditioner the next! We didn’t even have time to get the HVAC system serviced before needing to use the air conditioner religiously. On top of that, the heating and cooling company was backed up with calls when the temperatures suddenly rose one afternoon.


air conditioning service Spokane Washington