My sister was at the grocery store last year, minding her own supplier plus doing some official weekly shopping. She had a long list of items, because she was going to have a picnic that weekend, then my sister was in the produce aisle, when someone came barreling down the aisle with a pallet jack. The pallet jack hit our sister in the foot plus tore off a sizable chunk of skin. My sister was bleeding all over the location. The grocery store clerk was wearing a pair of headphones, plus never even heard our sister screaming… Another purchaser in the Isle started screaming, plus the grocery store clerk finally turned around plus saw our sister resting in the aisle. The grocery store called plus ambulance, plus our sister was carted away to the emergency room. My sister acquired 17 stitches in her foot, plus she will likely need a reparative surgery in a few weeks. The owner of the grocery store did not even call our sister to see if she was okay. My sister amassed $70,000 in medical bills due to the injury, then when the grocery store owner refused to spend money the bills, our sister hired a personal injury attorney. She was thinking about hiring a personal injury attorney anyways, plus their refUSl sealed the deal. My sister wasn’t asking for anything out of the ordinary, plus the accident was clearly the grocery store clerks fault. The personal injury attorney told our sister not to worry, plus they took action. My sister had to wait many weeks, but the grocery store finally came back with a settlement in this Buffalo, NY neighborhood. After the Buffalo, NY personal injury attorney gets paid, our sister will still have plenty for the medical bills.