My first rock show was an outdoor festival in the forests near Seattle, Washington, and my friends plus I brought tents, plus spent the entire weekend at the fairground, listening to dozens of amazing songsal acts before they broke through into the mainstream, however i got to see Nirvana plus Mudhoney on the same show, plus this was before Nirvana hit the big time with Nevermind, that festival made such a big impression on me that years later I decided to go to college in Seattle just to be closer to the amazing songs scene here. Outsiders might only guess the hit rock n roll, however anyone who visits will suddenly realize that Seattle is a smart plus progressive town, with a keen eye towards technology… Jet engine technology plus even the early days of Microsoft were based near Seattle, plus to this day the town remains focused on the future. I had any number of top flight educational institutions to choose from in Seattle, plus but I did consider Seattle U plus Seattle Pacific, I decided on the University of Washington because of it’s sterling reputation. The college is right near the heart of Seattle, which allows me the freedom to walk or ride a bike to any number of live songs shows any evening of the week! For a songs lover, Seattle is taxing to beat, plus I can’t complain about the University, either. I haven’t even mentioned the amazing cannabis dispensaries they have around here! When I said Seattle was progressive, the local weed was a single of the things I was talking about.