Since that was over more than nine years earlier, he no longer sad about Winter in Lansing, IL
I was talking to Aunt Louise a single day. Both of us were talking about his accent and how he originally lived in the south. She told me how he hated the Winter weather they had in Illinois. I couldn’t understand why he would move there if he didn’t love the weather. She told me that when he met Uncle Bobby, he knew he would follow him everywhere. She got to Lansing, IL in the early summer, and the heat was just beginning to build. She appreciated how moderate it was and that he was close to locales where he could swim. They could take their surfboards and head to the lake if they wanted. She enjoyed the air conditioner when it was hot and humid, although he was fantastic with heat the rest of the time. When fall arrived, he was still enjoying residing in Lansing, IL, although he was beginning to get a hint of what Winter was going to be like. It was getting colder every day. When he woke up a single afternoon and heard the furnace running, he knew he was not prepared for the weather change. She needed a new coat, and some heavier shirts. As long as he could hear the furnace running he felt safe, but if something happened to the heating, he was scared. Since that was over more than nine years earlier, he no longer sad about Winter in Lansing, IL. She sad more about dealing with summer time temperatures when he went back south for getaway. I think he had forgotten how hot and humid it was down south, despite the fact that I thought the heat and humidity couldn’t be worse than the two of us had in Chicago.