Leavenworth, Washington is a small City outside Seattle.
It is right at the base of the Cascade Mountains. The country village looks a bit like an old Bavarian town. Leavenworth is a place that is close to wineries as well as ski areas. There is a lot of tourism in town, but there aren’t a lot of jobs. I love living in Leavenworth, but I have to drive to Seattle for work. It takes me almost two and a half hours to get to work. I work Monday through Friday, and I stay in the city throughout the week. I only go home to Leavenworth on Saturdays and Sundays. The rest of the time I stay in an apartment provided by my job. The apartment is a small one bedroom efficiency, but it does not cost anything for me to live there. The place is completely furnished as well. It is close to a grocery store, pharmacy, bus station, and recreational marijuana dispensary. There’s only one recreational marijuana dispensary in Leavenworth, but there are a dozen or more different dispensaries in Seattle. Throughout the week, I order recreational marijuana supplies from a Seattle dispensary so I never have to pay the crazy high fees for the junk I find at home. My friends always try to get me to bring them supplies from the City. I understand why they don’t want to pay the outrageous prices for recreational marijuana, but I don’t want to drive back and forth from the city with a bunch of weed products in my car. It’s not illegal, but it certainly looks suspicious.