My boyfriend took me to a really nice restaurant last weekend and I had a great time.
I didn’t expect to have so much fun, simply because I don’t enjoy Seafood.
The seafood restaurant has seeding indoors and outdoors. It is located on the water with a great view of the Atlantic Ocean. The Cocoa Beach, Florida restaurant was discussed in the paper. It was supposed to be one of the places in the city to get the freshest Seafood. I ordered a lobster and my boyfriend ordered a huge seafood platter. We planned to sit indoors, but the AC wasn’t working in the Cocoa Beach Restaurant. We sat outside and there was a nice, cool breeze that night. It felt great to sit outside. The restaurant had a couple of ventilation fans set up in the outdoor seating area. They provided a small amount of airflow, but there was a nice wind coming from the water. We had dinner and drinks at the Cocoa, Florida restaurant. Even though there wasn’t any AC inside of the restaurant, everyone on the patio looked like they were having a good time. At one point the bartender offered everyone free drinks and we all did a shot of tequila. That was a fun night and one of the only times I can remember getting drunk at a bar. I am usually very reserved. I don’t prefer to lose my wits in front of others. I think my boyfriend must have caught me on a really good day. I didn’t care about the AC problems and I was ready to party..