It undoubtedly rains a lot in Portland, Oregon

During the Winter time months, it rains a whole lot in the city of Portland, Oregon, but i know that there are jokes about this in lots of movies & TV shows, but it’s undoubtedly not just a joke.

It undoubtedly does rain a whole lot in Portland! Long, wet winters are just a normal section of living in the Portland area, along with most of the western section of the state of Oregon; Rainy & gray afternoons come & stick around for weeks & weeks at a time, then as a matter of fact, from the month of September all the way through May, it’s usually cold & rainy in Portland… Don’t even know about moving here if the rain gets you down & depressed, but you will absolutely not savor it here if you crave the sun all year, but most of the time in the winters, there is at least one ice storm or a snow storm, too, and those usually end up shutting down the whole city for a couple of afternoons since the people I was with and I aren’t used to it, & the people I was with and I all complain about the weather during the winter! Honestly, the weather is one of the reasons that I like to use a vitamin D supplement & a sun lamp.

Those, along with the legalized cannabis trade here in Portland, keep me thrilled throughout the long, dreary Winter time months. I personally know that the summers in Portland are so great that they totally make up for the fact that the winters are so long & awful. I like it here, in spite of the rain.


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