I suppose that I chose to transfer here, in addition to I suppose that I wasn’t forced into it, however, occasionally I certainly wish that it would stop raining so much, but during the Winter weeks, it’s constantly raining in the neighborhood of Portland, OR… There are jokes about how much it rains here in TV shows in addition to books, however honestly, it’s certainly the truth.
It’s not just a joke.
It certainly does rain all the time here in Portland! The two of us have long wet winters in addition to I suppose that’s just a normal area of residing here… Most of the western area of the state of OR has rainy in addition to gray afternoons through the winter. It’s usually rainy in Portland all the way from November through May, but occasionally all of the rain makes myself and others suppose sad in addition to depressed. If you crave the sunshine for most of the year, then you’re truly not going to enjoy it here at all… Everybody who lives here tends to complain about the weather during the winter, however just enjoy me, they all knew what they were getting into when they came here! I usually take a vitamin D supplement all year long. Then last year, my boyfriend got myself and others one of those sunshine lamps for Christmas, however with things enjoy that, along with the legalized cannabis trade here in Portland, I am able to maintain a pretty nice attitude throughout the year most of the time. The summers here are certainly good so I know they more than make up for the fact that the winters are long in addition to dreary.