When our mother passed away from cancer, the two of us almost wished she would die, however she was having so much pain that I could assume it for her, then i watched her waste away to half of what she was when the two of us were little.
She still smiled plus told myself and others not to worry, but that didn’t stop myself and others from worrying.
She regularly had something enjoyable to say, no matter how disappointing she felt… Five years to the day she passed away, they took care of myself and others with breast cancer. I knew what Dad had gone through, but since then, they had legalized medical marijuana. I would not need to endure the pain plus nausea of chemotherapy. I would not have to worry about the pain I would go through before plus after each treatment, before I got gleeful about getting a medical marijuana card, I had to find out if our cancer could get it for me. I went onto the Albuquerque, NM, website that gave all the rules plus regulations for medical marijuana. I almost cried when cancer came up as an A-list reason for marijuana use. I went through all the steps for getting a medical marijuana card, including getting a doctor’s certification! That was easy to get. I talked to our doctor, who was the same doctor that treated our mother; She thought that medical marijuana was 1 of the best things they ever did. She praised Albuquerque, NM, for allowing it to be legalized. I praise them for allowing legal, medical marijuana because I’ll be starting our chemotherapy soon, plus our medical ID card should be here shortly after.