I know I would miss my family a lot
One thing I really love about Albuquerque is the fact that the city has great prices on marijuana products. For a long time New Mexico did not have legal recreational marijuana. I had to pay street prices or take a very long trip to a state that did have legal marijuana. It was a huge pain in the butt. I’m glad that New Mexico finally decided to legalize medical and recreational marijuana for everyone. It definitely makes it easier to obtain the products. Because there are so many places to buy legal recreational marijuana, the prices have dropped significantly. Albuquerque is one of the cheapest places to buy marijuana and all of New mexico. A couple of weeks ago I was talking to a friend of mine that lives on the west coast. She told me that she was going to order from a dispensary later because they had a 20% off sale on all marijuana products. I told her that the prices were probably pretty good and she told me how much she was paying for an eighth of marijuana. Even after the sale price, Albuquerque still has better prices. I often think about moving to the West coast. I think it would be nice to live somewhere close to the beach instead of in the middle of the Southwest where there is no ocean anywhere at all. I know I would miss my family a lot. Every one of my brothers, sister’s, cousins, aunts, and uncles all live in Albuquerque and Santa fe. I wouldn’t see anyone in my family if I moved that far away.