I thought smoking marijuana on the porch would be smarter, but she pulled myself and others back inside.
Sometimes I really should keep our mouth shut, but i feel that if I break the laws, there are consequences. It doesn’t matter how mild or extreme the consequences are. You are splitting the law, and that is what counts, my parents were regularly preaching that you should regularly follow the rules, even though I seldom listened. I was regularly getting in trouble for picking on the girls, being too loud, or starting a fight; They told myself and others that was different. I was now twenty-one and outdated enough to feel better. I was going to see our sibling in Denver, CO last month; She had marijuana and gave to let myself and others use some. I was outdated enough, and I didn’t think it would make a difference if I was in the house or on the porch. She had a child in the house, and I didn’t want to use marijuana around the kid. I didn’t have the door opened all the way when she started spouting off about laws. She told myself and others there were penalties that could be a fine, jail, or even a prison sentence. I thought smoking marijuana on the porch would be smarter, but she pulled myself and others back inside. I wanted to go to school near Denver, and she told myself and others that even as a student, I would find there were odd laws. Schools, universities, and even the people I work for, could locale their own disciplinary actions on marijuana use. She was telling myself and others all about marijuana use laws, and I was just trying to protect our nephew. All I wanted to do was smoke some marijuana, and I got a lesson on the laws and regulations in Denver, CO.