Living near Lowell MI offers various experiences.
The Riverfront Park has a few family-friendly venues that are great for outings throughout the year.
During the Summer, my kids love going to their favorite park in the city, Mickey’s Kingdom Park. It’s located right on the river, so it features great views and the playground itself has lots to keep them occupied. The weather is usually beautiful during the warmer months, which means they can play in the park for hours. When the temperatures do get a bit warm, there are places with air conditioning along the river, where we can seek refuge from the heat. And when it’s colder outside, my kids prefer to be indoors where it’s warm and toasty. Thankfully, there are museums, restaurants, and more, with great good climate control that usually have their HVAC systems running during the Winter months. The weather can get pretty cold in Lowell MI, especially when you’re by the water, so I am glad that there are so many places with central heating, where my kids can be nice and warm while they enjoy themselves. I believe if there were no venues with a good HVAC system that my kids would just remain home where it’s comfortable. I love that they can get outside in the Summer and visit the indoor venues with the central heating in the Winter months. It beats them sitting at home, watching TV or playing video games. This makes Riverfront Park my favorite place in all of Lowell MI. And as long as my kids are comfortable playing outside and visiting the climate controlled indoor venues, I will keep taking them there.