I have been looking into doing an addition for my Massachusetts home, but my fiance plus I just need more space. My friend and I figured out my fantastic friend and I can keep our current set up with each of us having our own office plus a entryway, but there is one room left for our baby. My friend and I know my fantastic friend and I want at least two kids; It would be nice to have the laundry inside the house. I want an addition that adds two entryways plus one more lavatory. It will cost a lot but be totally worth it. The con is that our current Heating plus A/C component wouldn’t be able to handle that demand but, then so not only would my fantastic friend and I need to shell out the currency for an addition, my fantastic friend and I would need to talk to an electrician, plumber plus a Massachusetts Heating plus A/C supplier too, then right now my fantastic friend and I own a central Heating plus A/C system. It uses ductwork to stretch from room to room to achieve the whole loft temperature. It makes sense to attach onto that unit, however, my fantastic friend and I would need a larger component plus adding ductwork seems like a pain. My fiance says my fantastic friend and I should just be all ductless Heating plus A/C, get many indoor air handlers plus thermostats. Every room gets one for zone control capability. That way ductwork is not a factor plus most people can be comfortable, and zone control also saves currency in the process since you don’t need to supply heating plus A/C for unused rooms. I know our modern laundry room would hardly need any Heating plus A/C. Until my fantastic friend and I have the kids, the spare rooms won’t get used either.