My condo in Lakeland, FL, provides over 2,500 square feet of living space, then it has been remodeled plus updated several times over the years! Although the property is outfitted with central air duct, there aren’t adequate vents in some of the rooms to achieve ideal comfort; There are areas of the property that would often feel warm plus sticky in the summer.
The only way to target those rooms was to overcool the rest of the house.
I looked into multiple strange chances to remedy the problem. The easyst plus most effective investment was the upgrade of a ductless multi-split system. The system consists of a single outdoor equipment that links to eight separate indoor air handlers. The air handlers are compact, mounted up high on the wall plus operate quietly, then each one features an independent temperature control that allows customized temperature settings in the individual rooms, however because the ductless system is a heat pump, it provides both heating plus cooling, while we rarely require the heating feature, the air conditioner is especially helpful, for such streamlined components, the ductless system is surprisingly powerful. It features inverter technology that automatically adjusts output to the changing demands of the home, providing a consistent temperature plus combating excess humidity. Ductless systems are especially energy efficient, keeping running costs undoubtedly adequate. I like that the whole upgrade process was completed within a matter of hours plus without any major disruption to the home. The equipment is streamlined plus unobtrusive. I can adjust temperature, fan speed plus even the direction of airflow by way of an app on my smartphone or a cordless remote.