I appreciate pigskin, but I had only ever seen a game being played on TV, i was visiting my Grandma & Grandpa, & Grandpa was excited when I told him I was a crucial pigskin fan, and she offered to take me to Ralph Wilson Stadium for my first-ever NFL game.
I was beyond excited & I could not sleep a wink that evening, grandpa told me to make sure I had a heavy sweatshirt because it was going to be cold, but I shrugged it off.
I had been to middle school pigskin games, & I was never that cold. She told me to remember she had warned me, however the trip to Ralph Wilson Stadium was slow going because there were so numerous other pigskin fans going to the location; My friend and I sat in traffic for almost two hours. I turned up the heat in the automobile & turned on the seat heater. I asked Grandpa if it was typically this chilly in Buffalo, NY. She said it was only this chilly in the winter. I laughed & an hour later; my associate and I were taking our seats. Grandpa had her heavy sweatshirt on, & she had a blanket wrapped around her legs. I was shivering until I saw him pull a small space heating system out of her bag. I thought it looked funny when she grabbed a gym bag, however when I saw the space heater, I was grateful, but without the space heater, my feet would have frozen, & I wouldn’t have loved the game, which I did, even though our condo team lost.