When my central Heating plus Air Conditioning system up plus quit on me I did some research, but i wanted both heating plus cooling. I wanted something powerful, energy efficient plus that would last a long time. In my research I found a heat pump. You get both heating plus cooling in one single unit. It moves heat energy so it is incredibly efficient, but since it is ductless it can be used for zone control. I was so gleeful to have this system. I called my local Glenview Heating plus Air Conditioning contractor immediately to get my heat pump upgrade… The Heating plus Air Conditioning worker informed me that they don’t sell heat pumps, also, I didn’t absolutely want a heat pump in my home… He then explained that the heat pump needs existing heat in the air in order to function in the winter. If the uneven temperatures drop below cold, the heat pump is worthless. I was extremely bummed to hear that Illinois gets too freezing in the winter time that I could not have a heat pump. The Heating plus Air Conditioning worker did point me in the right direction though. He told me to look at dual fuel systems. This combines a heat pump plus a gas heating system. So when the Glenview winters get severely cold, the gas heater will operate. When it gets a little warmer, the heat pump is tagged in. It changes from gas to electric based. I then would have the energy smart heat pump as my AC device. I now just need to find a Heating plus Air Conditioning supplier that will install dual fuel systems.
hvac companies Glenview Illinois