I love visiting the cool places in downtown Phoenix

I have been living in the city of Phoenix, Arizona for the past 6 months and I am still finding lots of fun and interesting places that I have not explored.

  • One of my favorite things about Phoenix is the great amount of diverse and vibrant culinary restaurants and bars.

There are a ton of different places that serve authentic and local cuisine like enchiladas, burritos, and other Southwestern dishes. There are lots of places that have entertainment in the area surrounding downtown Phoenix. One of my favorite places is a cool area that plays jazz on the weekends. The bar is located in the heart of Phoenix. My friends and I went to this bar last weekend and we had a really nice time. We were there for three or four hours. The air conditioning side of the building was really nice. It made me forget about the fact that it was still 90 degrees outside at 10:00 at night. I was trying my best to get home by midnight, because I had to work in the morning. Unfortunately, I didn’t get home until 1:00 in the morning and the first place that I had to visit the next day was a commercial AC customer in Phoenix. I probably could have spent the night in my vehicle and gone directly to the commercial customer in the morning, but I didn’t have any tools in my personal vehicle. It turned out that the commercial AC customer just wanted an estimate and I didn’t even have to do any work at the job site.


I love visiting the cool places in downtown Phoenix