You can laugh if you want to, but I moved here to Plano, Texas because I wanted to train to become a professional wrestler.
There is an art to the physicality of pro wrestling, and I knew that Plano was home to an excellent training academy.
You would have to keep your head buried in the sand to not know about the long history of wild pro wrestlers from Texas. One of those old-timers settled down in Plano and opened his own school. It was hard work, but I loved every minute of it. Since I had to pay from training, plus my other bills, I had to work full-time at a local Plano heating and cooling dealership. It was grunt work, manual labor, and I moved heavy equipment around the warehouse and into the work vans. At night I drove outside of Plano to the farm where the wrestling ring was set up. This was a period of time that tested my endurance, because neither of these facilities had air conditioning. I spent all day and all night sweating and struggling in the sticky heat of a Plano summer. It was difficult, but I shed a lot of pounds and got into monster condition, which helped me in the wrestling ring and the warehouse! Over the next few months I wrestled in front of small crowds in Plano and the surrounding areas, putting on spot shows for very little pay. Eventually I stopped wrestling, and started working more at the HVAC warehouse. I liked wrestling, but I liked making money even more.