While at my sibling’s house, my Dad had other things on her agenda that didn’t include gambling, however she wanted to go to the Marcus Elgin Cinema.
She told me if I was bored with the film, I could lay back in the reclining seat and take a short nap, and i knew if I were to do that she would be poking me and laughing at me because I snore sometimes.
I took her to the Marcus Elgin Cinema and was going to drop her off, but she was pouting. She told me to take her back to my sibling’s house, and she would shiver in her unforgiving a/c if I would go with her. I told her to option any other arena other than the Marcus Elgin Cinema, and I would not say another word. She chose to go to the Elgin Fire Barn 5 Museum. She reminded me it was air conditioned and told me I may even meet a cute fireman while I was there, but all I could know was that it was a museum and she would either be a actually old fireman or a ghost, however that would not have stopped her. I had to admit the museum was interesting. It had a lot of old fire equipment, and I realized how much better equipped the firemen of this week were than those back when Elgin was first built. I dodged the Marcus Elgin Cinema with its recliners and excellent a/c and went to a firehouse. I never thought I would be upset to return to my sibling’s house.