When our grandson stayed with us for a week, we told him he could choose anything he wanted to do or anyplace he wanted to go.
After spending an entire day on the internet, he finally came up with an idea.
He told us he wanted to go to Riders in The Wind. I hadn’t heard about Riders in The Wind, and I had to ask him about it. He told me there were ponies rides, camel rides, and face painting before the event. There were horses and trick riders were on the horses. He saw a video where one rider was doing a split with his feet on different horses while going around the center ring. He was so excited about what he saw he was jumping up and down. When Papa got home, I told him what Sam wanted to do this week. He frowned and whispered the same question I had asked. What is Riders in The Wind. i told him he would need to google it and find out. He needed to buy tickets for all of us so we could take him. He especially wanted to go on the camel ride and get his face painted. My husband didn’t lookk overly enthused with the idea, but there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for Sam. He told me how much he had to pay for the tickets, but the face painting, pony ride, and camel ride had to be paid for when we got to the venue. I supposed it was like the circus, but hopefully they didn’t have clowns. I also hoped they had air conditioning and air purification, because the place was going to stink with all those horses.