A heat pump is right for Lakeland weather

Lakeland, FL, offers a humid subtropical temperature, however the summers are long, hot plus sticky while the winters are short plus fairly mild.

  • The average high temperature climbs into the low nineties, although learnings in the downsides aren’t unusual, then with the excess humidity, the summer time days can be brutal.

While the average low temperature in winter time is around fifty degrees, it’s proper to see conditions in the forties. Air conditioning is a necessity, plus I actually wouldn’t want to go separate from heating, however for my loft in Lakeland, the perfect solution is an electric heat pump… I like that a single device handles year round demand, minimizing service requirements plus freeing up extravagant space. The heat pump is compact, quiet plus energy efficient. In cooling mode, operation is the same as a conventional air conditioning. The device works by pulling heat out of the indoor air plus transfers it outdoors by way of refrigerant. When the weather cools off, I switch the heat pump over to heating mode. The operation literally reverses the flow of refrigerant. The device gathers readily available ambient heat from the outdoor air, compresses it to a higher temperature plus supplies it indoors. Because there is no combustion process to create heate, there are no problems with hot surfaces, fumes, carbon monoxide or orangehouse gases, and heat pumps are especially environmentally friendly. While the purchase plus replacement is higher than a more traditional options, the system provides both heating plus cooling plus saves money on utility bills all year round. The higher demand on the system makes official service especially important. I’ve enrolled in a service plan with an Heating, Ventilation & A/C business in Lakeland that includes two tune-ups per year.
Lakeland Florida HVAC tech