South Bend, Indiana doesn’t get that warm! In fact I don’t bother with a cooling system.
It is an easy way to save currency.
Owning an a/c would be like owning a ferrari. It would be cool but high-priced and pointless. I am blissful that I just got by with my heating equipment. I look forward to the Summer all year. I am able to turn off my heating system at long last. I make sure to call my local South Bend, IN heating dealership to take a look at my system, but they check the inner workings for dust, rust, and disfigurement. They repair anything that is loose, rusted, or broken. They also scrub it top to bottom, my heating system then is wonderful to go when the cold comes back, but after the heating system is put to rest, I make sure to scrub the rest of my house. I have my ductwork system washed, and I do the rest of my home. I scrub the floors, rugs, curtains, and linens. I then open all the windows and let that stuffy, stale air leave. It is so nice introducing fresh air inside of the house; You never realize how gross your air is until you leave the doors open for a while. That outdoor air is so much fresher and cleaner. I know I could call an Indiana Heating as well as A/C company and ask about an air purification plan. I feel it is better to try and handle it naturally. I scrub my device and I freshen my air when I can.