When I first moved to Plano, TX, I didn’t know much about the area… I expected scorching hot weather just about year round… The hot plus muggy summers were no surprised, despite the fact that I had no idea the winters would be so cold plus windy. The average year round weather in Plano swings from ninety-five degrees to thirty-five degrees. It’s necessary to run the a/c for approximately seven straight months, plus the heating sytem for the other five. There is seldom an option to open the windows plus welcome in fresh air. Keeping the house sealed up tight helps to minimize utility bills but also eliminates natural ventilation. The air can suddenly become stale plus musty; Dust, smells, VOCs plus other ocntaminants become trapess inside. Pesticides, cleaning chemicals, hygiene products, pets, the heating/cooling system plus all sorts of things contribute to troubles with indoor air quality. I finally consulted with a local Heating, Ventilation & A/C business plus asked for recommendations. I was upset about the health of the air I was breathing, he explained a variety of strange indoor air quality accessories. I liked the benefits of an energy reclaimy ventilator. The ventilator works year round to introduce fresh air into the house plus disconnect the polluted air separate from energy losses. The system operates quietly plus improves the hygiene of the air throughout the home. I don’t need to clean as much. I have fewer headaches, sore throats plus troubles with congestion plus insomnia. The ventilator also contributes to energy efficiency plus comfort. The money I’ve saved on energy bills has helped to reclaim the cost of installation.