This service fulfills the obligations of the manufacturer’s warranty and extends the lifespan of the furnace, and plus, my enrollment in the service plan includes 24/7 emergency response with no after-hours fees
I am really conscientious about taking goodcare of my forced-air furnace, however the cost of purchasing and installing the furnace was significant. Due to the weather in South Bend, IN, it operates for approximately eight months of the year and makes a large impact on the apartment budget, then i need to make sure it performs reliably every single day of the winter, year after year, when the furnace runs at peak capacity and efficiency, it provides ideal comfort and keeps energy bills to a minimum. It ensures safety, lower sound levels and healthier indoor air quality. I know that even a little dust buildup inside the furnace can restrict airflow, cause it to continually cycle on and use more energy. There is the occasion of a cracked heat exchanger and furnace failure. To protect my investment, I have enrolled into a service plan with an Heating, Ventilation plus A/C company situated in South Bend. They call to remind me when it’s time to schedule service, but a fully licensed, NATE-certified serviceman shows up in the fall and completes a really thorough inspection… She cleans, adjusts and tests all of the numerous components and fixes minor troubles. The problemshooting of everything from the thermostat to the air duct, helps to prevent more valuable repairs and disruptive malfunctions. This service fulfills the obligations of the manufacturer’s warranty and extends the lifespan of the furnace, and plus, my enrollment in the service plan includes 24/7 emergency response with no after-hours fees. The severity of the climate in South Bend makes upkeep of the furnace especially pressing. It gives me peace of mind knowing that I can start up the furnace at any time and be sure it’s running respectfully.