Optimal HVAC environment in Plano, TX

I am a single mother in her thirties that owns her own house. I take care of everything. I work a really good remote based job that allows me to afford a good place, a nanny, and great food for my son. I also stay up to date with the care of my home. I make sure the yard is mowed, the pool is cleaned, the interior is washed, and there is no chipping paint or bugs coming in. Another essential service is with my HVAC equipment. I live in Plano, Texas which means I see both high heat and low temps. You wouldn’t think that Texas would get cold, but it does. I have to own both a heating and cooling system. Obviously the AC is used more often. The last thing I want is to have inferior or no HVAC control. Working from home means my environment needs to be optimal. So I splurged when it came to HVAC. I have a ductless HVAC unit with indoor air handlers and smart thermostats in every room of the house. I can control each space with my phone. It is nice that I can have the areas where my son is cold and my office. The laundry room, guestroom, and bathrooms I don’t bother with. When I take my son and we are outside, I turn off the AC to save some money. I also prioritize AC service in Plano, TX as well. Keeping everything clean and up to date ensures no disaster is going to hit.


Optimal HVAC environment in Plano, TX

I love using ductless AC in Texas

Living in Plano, Texas means I am used to heat and humidity quite a bit.

How I get by is having a great cooling system.

I rely on a ductless AC unit throughout my house. I have one outdoor air compressor that is tucked away behind my house. The rest of the home has indoor air handlers and smart thermostats. Every room gets their own AC device and climate control. Doing this I can have a HVAC zone control capable house. I like that each room can have unique amounts of AC. While Plano is known for the heat, I am not in the house as much as I would like. I teach gymnastics and I am constantly in the gym working with classes. When I get home I am mainly in the kitchen and living room. I only go in the bedroom when I am ready to retire for the day. So why would I bother to provide AC to my bedroom until about an hour before bed? The unused guestroom hardly gets any cooling. Doing this means only small portions of the house are being cooled at certain times. I save so much energy doing this. My monthly bills are pitiful when you consider the heat of Texas. I also have a healthy system since it isn’t being constantly taxed due to the frequent use. I keep everything well cared for and cleaned. On the weekends the AC needs to work a bit harder, but that is where the smart thermostats come in. They have now learned my schedule.

HVAC Company in Plano Texas

New cooling system saves money

Summers in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, are especially long, tepid plus muggy; The cooling system is a pressing component of a comfortable home, and my good friend and I need the central cooling system to combat hot plus cold temperatures in the mid to upper nineties on a correct basis. The cooling system is essential to a good night’s sleep, productive afternoon plus healthy indoor air quality, then it also greatly affects the condo budget, however running an cooling system non stop for approximately eight straight months can get lavish. It’s pressing that the system operates as efficiently as possible. I spent more on an Energy Star qualified cooling system with an industry leading SEER rating. The system I chose features bendy-speed technology. Unlike two-stage systems that can operate at either maximum or low capacity, the cooling system can adjust output in one percent increments. It can operate anywhere between forty plus one hundred percent capacity. There is rarely a time when the A/C needs to blast at maximum speed. Most of the time, the system can run at lower speeds plus maintain a consistent indoor temperature. The longer run times allow the cooling system to do a better job of filtering out contaminants plus managing excess humidity. The operation makes less noise, uses less energy plus puts less strain on components, plus, when the current A/C system was installed, I upgraded to zone control. The ability to set an independent temperature in each room avoids cooling unoccupied areas. It also lets me customize thermostat settings to the particular needs of each space. I save money plus care about superior comfort.



HVAC professional in Tuscaloosa Alabama

New air conditioner saves currency

Summers in Tuscaloosa, AL, are especially long, boiling plus muggy, but the air conditioner is a crucial component of a comfortable home, but we need the central cooling system to combat temperatures in the mid to upper nineties on a official basis.

The air conditioner is essential to a relaxing night’s sleep, productive afternoon plus healthy indoor air quality, however it also greatly affects the household budget! Running an air conditioner non stop for approximately eight straight months can get fancy.

It’s important that the system operates as efficiently as possible. I spent more on an Energy Star qualified air conditioner with an industry leading SEER rating. The system I chose features stretchy-speed technology; Unlike two-period systems that can operate at either maximum or low capacity, the air conditioner can adjust output in one percent increments. It can operate anywhere between forty plus one hundred percent capacity. There is rarely a time when the AC needs to blast at maximum speed, most of the time, the system can run at lower speeds plus maintain a consistent indoor temperature. The longer run times allow the air conditioner to do a better task of filtering out contaminants plus managing excess humidity. The operation makes less noise, uses less energy plus puts less strain on components… Plus, when the new AC system was installed, I replaced to zone control. The ability to set an independent temperature in each room avoids cooling unoccupied areas. It also lets me customize temperature control settings to the particular needs of each space. I save currency plus prefer superior comfort.

Tuscaloosa Alabama HVAC technology

Installing radiant heated flooring

About five years ago, my hubby plus I completely renovated our house.

My good friend and I needed to tear down the old plaster walls, insulate plus bring the electrical plus plumbing systems up to code, and because of extensive water disfigurement from a leaky roof, my buddy and I also pulled out the ceilings plus floors.

Taking the property down to the bare studs was an extensive, messy plus high-priced project. However, it was also an chance to make significant improvements. The weather in South Bend, Indiana, can be brutal. The winters are chilly plus snowy, with hot plus cold temperatures frequently in the teens. A powerful, safe plus energy efficient furnace is pressing. A tightly sealed thermal envelope is necessary to avoid energy waste plus keep costs sufficient. Along with insulating the home, my buddy and I updated windows, caulked plus weatherstripped. My good friend and I made the decision to install radiant floor heating. My good friend and I already had a boiler furnace that was originally connected to radiators. Removing the radiators plus implementing radiant flooring freed up extravagant living space plus significantly improved aesthetics. The unit is now honestly concealed beneath our brand up-to-date hardwood floors. The boiler heats up water plus sends it through a network of pipes. The heat from the pipes spreads across the floor plus radiates into the air. The temperature from floor to ceiling plus wall to wall is lovelyly consistent. There are no drafts, hold spots or stratification, and walking on a warm floor in the middle of January is a lovely luxury. We’re able to set much lower control unit settings plus still feel perfectly comfortable, however one of the largest benefits of our radiant floor heating setup is zone control. My good friend and I have a control unit in each room that allows customized settings.

South Bend Indiana HVAC tune-up

Installing radiant heated flooring

The temperature from floor to ceiling and wall to wall is appealingly consistent.

About five years ago, my wife and I completely renovated our house, but my pal and I needed to tear down the seasoned plaster walls, insulate and bring the electrical and plumbing systems up to code. Because of expansive water damage from a leaky roof, my friend and I also pulled out the ceilings and floors, taking the house down to the bare studs was an expansive, messy and luxurious project… However, it was also an chance to make significant improvements. The weather in South Bend, Indiana, can be brutal. The winters are freezing and snowy, with temperatures frequently in the teens, however a powerful, safe and energy efficient boiler is pressing. A tightly sealed thermal envelope is necessary to avoid energy waste and keep costs reasonable. Along with insulating the home, my friend and I updated windows, caulked and weatherstripped. My pal and I made the decision to install radiant floor heating. My pal and I already had a boiler boiler that was originally attached to radiators… Removing the radiators and implementing radiant flooring freed up lavish living space and significantly improved aesthetics. The component is now entirely concealed beneath our brand new hardwood floors. The boiler heats up water and sends it through a network of pipes. The heat from the pipes spreads across the floor and radiates into the air. The temperature from floor to ceiling and wall to wall is appealingly consistent. There are no drafts, hold spots or stratification, then walking on a warm floor in the middle of December is a appealing luxury. We’re able to set much lower thermostat settings and still feel perfectly comfortable; One of the greatest benefits of our radiant floor heating setup is zone control. My pal and I have a thermostat in each room that allows customized settings.

South Bend Indiana HVAC installation

New furnace plus a/c are worthwhile investment

Springfield, MO, is a really lovely place to live, there are lots of jobs, a satisfactory cost of living plus a strong economy.

The people are severely friendly plus the natural beauty of the landscape is incredible, however i just appreciate the rolling hills, extensive woodlands, running streams, public parks plus miles of pristine lakes; Along with biking, hiking, swimming, boating, kayaking plus fishing, my buddy and I also get to prefer amazing local wine, unique hand-crafted beer, casinos plus eclectic dining options, however while I appreciate the occasions of four distinct seasons, the weather in Springfield is tough; My good friend and I get everything from humidity, sleet plus rain to snow, high winds plus hail.

Summer hot plus cold temperatures can climb into the nineties while the winter season conditions plummet below chilly. My good friend and I need sunblock plus sandals plus snow shovels, ice scrapers plus heavy boots… Every loft plus business requires a complete heating plus cooling system. The cost of keeping a comfortable living or working space accounts for about half the energy consumption. While a new furnace plus a/c are a significant investment, replacing old units has saved me quite a bit of money. The new systems are Energy Star qualified, feature stretchy-speed technology plus include zone control. We’re able to set independent hot plus cold temperatures in each room, accommodating personal preferences plus occupancy. There’s no need to heat or cool empty zones to the ideal temperature. My family benefits from superior comfort, greater dehumidification plus healthier air quality while I pay less in heating plus cooling costs. There is also far less opportunity of facing an high-priced plus disruptive repair. The furnace plus a/c are covered by a manufacturer’s warranty plus I have enrolled in a maintenance program with a local Springfield HVAC supplier.

Springfield Missouri ductless HVAC

Trying to hot up the basement

The winters in Elgin, IL, are well-known for their severity.

The harshly chilly weather lasts for more than half the year.

My buddy and I expect uneven temperatures well below zero, bitter wind chill as well as feet of snow, however i recently noticed that my basement was chilly cold. I got upset about the pipes chilly, and plus, having a chilly basement means chilly floors in the home, changing the workload of the heating system. I started looking into ways to hot up the basement. Most of the strategies I found are centered around optimizing energy efficiency as well as adding additional heat sources, but one of the first suggestions was to add insulation; While I wasn’t willing to tear down the finished drywall of the ceilings as well as walls, I was able to find a local Elgin Heating plus Air Conditioning contractor that specializes in spray foam insulation. The additional layer of insulation helps to lessen heat transport as well as keep the basement warmer in winter as well as cooler in summer. The Heating plus Air Conditioning specialist recommended installing a wall-mounted electric heater. The unit is located on the wall, doesn’t take up lavish space or detract from aesthetics. My buddy and I only run the electric boiler on especially chilly winter days as well as afternoons. The cost of operating the small basement boiler is negligible. We’ve found that having hot floors makes a large difference to the comfort of the residing environment. My buddy and I can lower the control unit setting as well as still feel perfectly warm, then because of this, I had the idea to sit down throw-rugs over the granite floor of the basement. The carpets contribute to insulation as well as feel less chilly under our feet.

electric heater for Elgin IL

Moving to Lakeland, Florida

When I decided to relocate to Florida, I was willing to live in any part of the state, but i took a trip south and explored real estate listings within my price range.

  • I concentrated my search in Central Florida in close proximity to Tampa and Orlando, then eventually, I arrived in Lakeland, located in Polk County, this small neighborhood is a 45 minute commute east of Tampa and an hour drive southwest of Orlando.

It’s a absolutely welcoming community with lots of fantastic hiking, outdoor activities, parks, preserves and botanical gardens. Lakeland includes 38 lakes, including Lake Morton that provides a home to swans that draw in tourists. I am delighted by the world’s greatest collection of Frank Lloyd Wright architecture at Florida Southern College! There are some absolutely delicious diners, world-class hockey courses and plenty of shopping opportunities. I was thrilled to find a small chalet-style home with lake access. The cabin was reasonably priced because it was in need of some sprucing up. I was relieved that the main systems, such as a/c, plumbing, electrical and roofing, were in fantastic condition. I was more than thrilled to tackle painting, cleaning and yard work. I invested in HVAC duct cleaning, a new temperature control, new water heating system and faucets for the sinks. I thoroughly care about kneeling on my back deck with a glass of iced root beer and taking in a view of the lake. I have purchased a kayak and paddleboard and have plans to build a dock… Moving to Lakeland, Florida, was a absolutely fantastic decision.

Air conditioning installation in Lakeland Florida

Upgrading to a smart temperature control

Until recently, I was getting by with a very old, manual temperature control, then the temperature control was installed long before I ever bought my apartment in Sioux Falls, South Dakota… Over the years, I’ve made lots of improvements to the home; I’ve painted the walls and substituted everything from the windows to light fixtures.

I’ve renovated the master bathroom and the kitchen, added a back deck and spent a fantastic deal of time on landscaping.

I’ve had the air conditioner and boiler professionally took care of every Springtime and fall. It never occurred to me to substitute the temperature control. The old one seemed to work just fine. It wasn’t until I complained to the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C dealer who handled the annual tune-ups about the high cost of my utility bills that he recommended investing into a smart temperature control, considering the dire weather and wide temperature swings in Sioux Falls, the temperature control is an essential device, making manual adjustments is inconvenient and often leads to energy waste. I frequently forgot to raise or lower temperature settings before heading to work in the afternoon. The air conditioner or boiler would then blast all afternoon long, keeping an empty apartment perfectly comfortable. If I remembered to make the adjustment, I’d return apartment to an warm or cold living environment. The smart temperature control is far more modern-looking and allows me to access features from virtually anywhere via an app on my cellphone. Plus, the temperature control has learned my schedule and preferences and created a program. I rarely need to make any fluctuations. It automatically works to conserve energy separate from sacrificing comfort. It sends alerts if there is a power outage and reminders to change air filters.

Sioux Falls South Dakota Heating technology